CBD and Breastfeeding
6 min read

When it comes to life for a new mom, there are a ton of questions both during pregnancy and after. How much does what you put in your body affect your baby? What’s considered safe? What isn’t? And are there natural alternatives that are better for you and your child than prescription medications that may have potentially dangerous side effects?
We get asked questions like these a lot, and one thing most new moms want to know is whether or not it’s safe to take CBD while breastfeeding. Like the answer to every question regarding CBD, the answer starts with understanding more about the human body and its endocannabinoid system.
Understanding the Endocannabinoid System
The Endocannabinoid System (ES) plays a critical role in your body’s functioning and well-being. The Endocannabinoid System maintains a number of integral functions, including mental health and wellness, mood, appetite, nutrient transport, energy storage, immune function and the regulation of stress and pain perception.
When CBD enters the human body, it binds to CB receptors within the Endocannabinoid System. This can help to boost the endocannabinoids your body is already producing, and may help to improve the functions the ES is part of. You can learn more about the Endocannabinoid System here and see how CBD works in the body.
The Difference Between THC and CBD
By now, you probably know that THC and CBD are two of the most beneficial compounds found in hemp oil. CBD is a compound widely known for its beneficial properties that produces no psychoactive effects whatsoever. THC may also be useful in helping to treat various ailments, and it’s the compound responsible for creating the “high” associated with cannabis.
There’s been limited research done on the effects of CBD and THC on a developing fetus, but we discuss how to choose if taking CBD during pregnancy is right for you at length.
Taking CBD While Breastfeeding
When it comes to THC, research points to staying away from it while breastfeeding. However, there really hasn’t been enough research done to determine whether or not it’s safe to take CBD while breastfeeding. The truth is that many women who choose to take CBD during their time as a new mom have reported that they also enjoy powerful and natural relief from common postpartum symptoms.
Like any decision that involves your health or the health of your new baby, we strongly recommend talking with your doctor about whether CBD is the right option for you.
To learn more about the research out there and the arguments being made on taking CBD while breastfeeding, let’s dive into the ways CBD may be beneficial and the concerns about taking it.
A Natural Fighter of Anxiety and Depression
For the surprisingly high percentage of new moms struggling with postpartum depression and anxiety, CBD may be especially helpful. Studies suggest between 11% to 15% of women struggle with these challenges, though the true number could be much higher.
Women with postpartum depression often find it more difficult to bond with their babies or provide them with adequate care, potentially impacting a child’s psychological development and leading to problems down the road. Often, when women bring these symptoms to a doctor’s attention, the prescribed “solution” is an antidepressant, like Lexapro or Zyban. Once these drugs finally take effect weeks after the first dose, they can come with a host of side effects like insomnia, weight gain and dizziness. While newer antidepressants have thankfully been formulated so they won’t interfere with breastfeeding, these drugs simply aren’t guaranteed to work. For new mothers without the financial means to obtain these antidepressants, PPD can feel like an impossible challenge.
The most controversial aspect of taking CBD while breastfeeding is simply the lack of research. Most of the studies done on cannabis involve a targeted look at THC. And while this research does point to negative effects of THC on developing fetuses and newborns (like low birth weight), what this indicates is that women shouldn’t smoke marijuana or take THC-rich products while pregnant or breastfeeding. It doesn’t indicate anything negative about CBD.
However, there is one thing we do know for sure – breast milk already naturally contains cannabinoids.
Cannabinoids in Breast Milk
Yep, that’s correct – breast milk is already chock-full of cannabinoids crucial for a baby’s development. This is one of the most important and significant findings surrounding CBD and cannabinoids at large.
Endocannabinoids are incredibly important because they play various vital roles in a baby’s development. They help stimulate the process of suckling and promote appetite, teaching newborns the vital process of eating and getting essential nutrients. It has been widely observed that babies who drink breast milk are more calm after feeding. While we do know that cannabinoids are present in breast milk, scientists aren’t yet sure which cannabinoids are present. One of the challenges in determining which cannabinoids are in breast milk is that CBD binds closely with fat, making it near impossible to measure its amount.
In the future, researchers believe they’ll be able to figure out which cannabinoids are in breast milk – and in what amounts – through a process called “saponification,” which separates those compounds from the milk. All of these advancements are important in determining how CBD might affect a newborn and making progress in the larger picture of CBD as a potentially awesome natural alternative to prescription medications.
Is Taking CBD Worth the Possible Risk?
That’s ultimately a choice between you and your doctor. There simply isn’t enough information currently about the ways CBD could impact your breast milk or your baby for us to definitively state that it’s a completely safe option.
However, after consulting with their doctors and analyzing the benefits of CBD over certain prescription medications, many mothers make the decision that CBD is right for them. And we do know that CBD is regularly prescribed for children struggling with seizures as a safe, non-intoxicating and natural solution.
If I Choose to Take CBD, How Much Should I Take?
As always, we recommend starting small and taking CBD at a consistent time of day. If you’re new to CBD, we recommend starting with 25-50 mg a day and increasing the amount as needed. To learn more, check out this complete guide of how much CBD you should take.
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